© 2022


Über das Studio:
Das Studio arbeitet mit internationalen Akteur:innen des Kunstbetriebs zusammen und hat seine Produktionsstätte in Berlin. Die technisch anspruchsvollen Projekte werden im Studio von einem interdisziplinären Team entwickelt und weitestgehend vor Ort realisiert.

About the Studio:
The artist studio Julius von Bismarck collaborates with international actors in the art industry and has its production facility in Berlin. The technically demanding projects are developed in the studio by an interdisciplinary team and largely realized on-site.


Das Künstlerstudio Julius von Bismarck sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine:n erfahrene:n Studiomanager:in in Vollzeit.

- Verantwortung für die finanzielle Planung, Überwachung und Verwaltung des Studiobudgets
- Kommunikation mit Galerien und Museen
- Betreuung und Koordination eines interdisziplinären Teams sowie die Sicherstellung eines effizienten und harmonischen Arbeitsumfelds
- Optimierung und Strukturierung der internen Arbeitsprozesse und Arbeitsabläufe
- Enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Künstler und den Projektleitenden

- Einschlägige Erfahrung im Kunstbetrieb, vorzugsweise im Galeriewesen
- Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
- Ausgeprägtes organisatorisches Talent und die Fähigkeit, mehrere Projekte gleichzeitig zu managen
- Hohe soziale Kompetenz und die Fähigkeit zur Teamführung

Wir bieten:
- eine sehr abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit mit Verantwortung und Gestaltungsspielraum
- ein kreatives Arbeitsumfeld in einem Künstlerstudio in Berlin Schöneberg
- Gemüsegarten und Badeteich im Sommer

Bitte senden Sie uns Ihre vollständigen und aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen schnellstmöglich, aber spätestens bis zum 30.06.24 an: jobs@juliusvonbismarck.com

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennenzulernen!

Digital Fabrication Specialist

Your Role with Us:
As a Digital Fabrication Specialist, you are an indispensable part of our team, developing innovative solutions at the intersection of art, design, and technology. You have deep knowledge and experience in digital design and manufacturing technology, particularly in working with CAD/CAM systems.

Core Competencies:
- Advanced knowledge in digital design, 3D modeling, and construction drawings, as well as the application of CAD/CAM software for creating technical components.
- Experience in the conception and optimization of mechanical parts for various digital manufacturing processes.
- Expertise in the use, programming, and monitoring of in-house CNC machines for complex projects.
- Responsibility for the regular maintenance and upkeep of the CNC machines to ensure their optimal function and precision.

- In-depth understanding of mechanics, spatial geometry, and materials science, coupled with craftsmanship to precisely realize complex artistic and architectural projects.
- Comprehensive experience with CAD/CAM software, specifically Fusion 360, Rhino, and Blender, for creating, editing, and preparing design and manufacturing data.
- Knowledge in file preparation and workflow for various digital manufacturing processes, including 3D printing, CNC milling, and laser cutting, to achieve optimal results.
- Ability to effectively control and monitor production processes, ensuring that projects are completed efficiently, accurately, and within the timeframe.
- Strong teamwork skills and the ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment, where collaboration with artists, designers, and technicians is essential for developing and implementing innovative solutions.

What We Offer:
- A creative environment at the intersection of art and technology, where you can explore technical boundaries.
- Involvement in pioneering projects, flexible work arrangements, and an open dialogue basis.
- Team lunches with fresh food three times a week.
- A diverse team of experts and flat hierarchies.
- Performance-based compensation based on competence and experience.

If you share our passion for the fusion of art and technology and are ready to work in an innovative environment, please send your application documents to: jobs@juliusvonbismarck.com

We look forward to possibly exploring new creative horizons with you soon!


Your Role with Us:
Our artist studio, specialized in the production and realization of innovative art projects, is seeking an experienced and creative metalworker to join our team. The ideal candidate brings a passion for art and craftsmanship and possesses the ability to translate artistic concepts into metal works.

Core Competencies:
- Implementing artistic designs into high-quality metal constructions, considering aesthetic and functional aspects.
- Processing various metals through cutting, welding, bending, and shaping.
- Collaborating with artists and designers to realize their visions.
- Maintenance and upkeep of tools and machinery in the metal workshop.
- Adhering to safety regulations and standards in the workspace.

- Completed training as a metalworker or in a related metal profession.
- Experience in art production or creative metalworking is advantageous.
- Proficiency in welding and metalworking techniques.
- Creativity and craftsmanship in executing design specifications.
- Team spirit and willingness to work in an interdisciplinary environment.
- Independent work ethic and a high level of precision and attention to detail.

What We Offer:
- Involvement in unique art projects in a creative and inspiring environment.
- A dynamic team that values collaboration and innovation.
- Fair compensation and opportunities for professional development.

If you share our passion for art and craftsmanship and wish to contribute your skills in an artistic environment, please send your application documents including reference projects to jobs@juliusvonbismarck.com


The studio Julius von Bismarck consistently realizes kinetic sculptures. For upcoming projects, the studio is seeking a programmer to write control programs for the moving sculptures at the earliest possible date. The form of collaboration and the exact number of hours are negotiable.

- Experience in programming electric drives
- Experience in control engineering (e.g., servo motors)
- Python, Linux, Arduino (C, C++)

- Good understanding of mechanics and spatial geometry
- Experience in handling electronics and electrical components
- Experience with bus systems (e.g., CAN bus, Profibus, RS485)
- Previous experience in programming kinetic objects (in the art industry)

Compensation will be based on competence and experience.

Please send us your application documents as soon as possible to: jobs@juliusvonbismarck.com

We look forward to receiving your application!